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IHEA Offers Combustion, Safety Standards Seminars

The Industrial Heating Equipment Association will offer its Combustion Seminar and Safety Standards and Codes Seminar in Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 3-4, 2022.


IHEA sessions.
Photo Credit: IHEA

This fall, the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA) will offer its Combustion Seminar and Safety Standards and Codes Seminar in Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 3-4, 2022.

“The IHEA Seminars provide fantastic educational opportunities both in the combustion field and current industry safety standards and codes,” states IHEA’s education committee chairman Brian Kelly of Honeywell Thermal Solutions (Houston, Texas). “IHEA’s Combustion Seminar offers essential education on basic as well as advanced combustion subjects and the IHEA Safety Standards and Codes Seminar provides the latest updates on the NFPA 86 Standard and other safety related topics that are unique in the industrial heating market.”

The concurrent technical seminars will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in conjunction with the Metal Treating Institute’s (MTI) Furnaces North America (FNA). The schedule is said to enable attendees to expand their technical knowledge and to visit with FNA exhibitors, including IHEA members and companies represented by IHEA seminar speakers.

IHEA’s Combustion Seminar will provide attendees with updated and relevant information from experts in combustion technologies. The seminar is designed for those responsible for the operation, design, selection and/or maintenance of fuel-fired industrial process furnaces and ovens. With over twelve hours of instruction from manufacturing professionals, attendees will learn from the best in the industry.

IHEA’s popular Safety Standards and Codes Seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces. This is said to be the first opportunity for attendees to learn about the most recent updates to the standard. Speakers are reportedly very involved in NFPA and serve on the technical committees that develop the changes. Attendees will also receive a copy of the newly released NFPA 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces with their registration.  

Visit IHEA’s event page for more details and registration information.

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