Industrial Finishing Products

Birchwood System Restores Bright Metal Finish

Presto Bright Dip restores bright finish to brass, copper, bronze, nickel and silver.


Birchwood Technologies’ Presto Bright Dip is designed to brighten brass, copper, bronze nickel and silver, while protecting metal from retarnishing. The company says that the product is applied at room temperature and can be used at 100% concentrate or diluted with tap water to make a bath of 10-50% by volume for immersion applications. The product is engineered to act as a deoxidizer to the metal surface, creating a brightener for the brass, copper and bronze substrate, and to minimize metal removal or loss.

Birchwood Technologies' Presto Bright Dip is designed to brighten brass, copper, bronze nickel and silver, while protecting the metal from re-tarnishing.





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