MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions Debuts NiKlad ELV Velocity HP Process
Process is a new generation, lead and cadmium-free, high speed high phosphorus electroless nickel plating system that allows for improved plating rates.
MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions’ NiKlad ELV Velocity HP process is a new generation, lead and cadmium-free, high speed high phosphorus electroless nickel plating system that allows for improved plating rates. It is RoHS and ELV compliant, and offers an average plating rate of 15μm/h (0.6 mil/h), without compromise on deposit properties. Its fast plating rates and higher productivity offers companies plating high phosphorus electroless nickel multiple benefits, including time efficiencies, productivity gains and cost savings in operation, as every additional μm/h equals +10% productivity.
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