Industrial Finishing Products

Parker Boiler Alarm Alerts Off-Site Boiler Operators and Owners

When an alarm condition is detected, the PV-A will text up to 3 phone numbers to indicate there is a problem.


Parker Boiler’s Parkerview Alarm (PV-A) is a simple-to-operate, cellular-based alarming system for use on boilers or other devices. The PV-A alerts the owner or operator of the boiler or other device when an alarm condition is detected, cleared or when there is a power loss, or when there is a change in ambient temperature conditions. When an alarm condition is detected, the PV-A will text up to three phone numbers to indicate there is a problem. If the alarm is cleared, an additional text is sent to an off-site owner or operator.

Parker Boiler Co. |323-727-9800|

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