Vacuum Degreasers and Aqueous Solutions

Process Control System Designed for Metal Pretreatment Lines

Henkel’s Bonderite E-CO DMC is a multichannel process control system that enables running of a complex chemical process cascade with multiple stages in metal pretreatment production lines.


Henkel’s Bonderite E-CO DMC is a multichannel process control system that enables running of a complex chemical process cascade with multiple stages in metal pretreatment production lines.

The data management system can store and analyze data from all Lineguard versions, and manage the chemical feed pump control, the company says. It can be set up to work with existing periphery sensors, pumps and controllers, and also can integrate other processes and devices, such as the paint process and oven.

The system is equipped with an intuitive touchscreen programmable logic controller interface, and it supports laptop, tablet or smartphone interfaces. The user interface allows for remote monitoring and set-point adjustments. Email alert notifications also can be sent.

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