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Rectifiers Updated for Increased Efficiency

In addition to its broad selection of switchmode power supplies,American Plating Power offers a wide variety of modern silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) designed to run cooler and more efficiently than older designs.


In addition to its broad selection of switchmode power supplies,American Plating Power offers a wide variety of modern silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) designed to run cooler and more efficiently than older designs.

The rectifiers are rated at 100 percent duty cycle, eliminating the need to oversize them. Oversizing increases installation costs, and running the power supply at reduced output reduces efficiencies, resulting in increased operating costs, the company says.

Offerings include oil-cooled SCRs powered to 15,000 amps, air-cooled models to 20,000 amps and water-cooled versions to 1000,000 amps. They are coupled with a selection of controls, including LINQ software for PC-based control and process documentation.

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