Paint Blistering On Plastic Bumpers
We are a painting subcontractor for automotive plastic parts—bumpers, door handles, side mirrors, and so on—here in the Philippines. After about three months, blisters appear on the surface of the part. The problem is on the rear bumper only. Prior to painting, we noticed that the primer on the rear bumper is thinner than the front. Could you please help us find the cause of the problem?
Read MoreExcessive Coating Problems
We are coating automotive components. We are in the process of trying to complete a new order for coating of shock absorber springs for motorcycles. The problem we are facing is that the there is repulsion of powder from the inner side of the spring in some areas and also pinholing. What should I do to resolve the coating problem for the inner side of the spring?
Read MoreThrough the Roof
Those of us who drive a vehicle with an internal combustion engine (essentially all of us, at least in the United States) are pretty much used to paying whatever the current price is for gasoline.
Read MorePowder Removal Using Paint Stripper
I was reading your page on powder removal and was wonder if a regular automotive paint stripper would do the job.
Read MoreLoss of Gloss Over Aluminum Bonnets
I am the paint line manager of a company situated in the Middle East. The temperature here gets up to 55°C (131°F). We paint parts for motor vehicles. We have a problem with loss of gloss on painted parts. Why do we encounter this problem of loss of gloss when using waterborne basecoat system on aluminum bonnets?
Read MoreAutomobile Painting Classes
There is an institute (Name Withheld) that will teach painting, custom painting, etc, but you must also sign up for their auto collision and refinishing course. Unfortunately, I learned that these courses would cost me $28,000 as quoted to me by the institute representative. I thought that was FAR too high, and will pursue your advised method of practicing and learning by trial and error, picking up pointers from people I meet, or technical books you can buy at the painter supply shops.
Read MoreTrends in Making Ultrasonic Frequency Work for You
Well-designed ultrasonic cleaning systems have a proven track record of delivering gentle yet thorough parts-cleaning without regulated solvents to industries as diverse as aerospace, electronics, automotive and coating.
Read MoreBuilding an E-coat Line from the Ground Up
How one company is prospering by providing flexible e-coat capability to Nissan and other customers.
Read MoreThe Way Forward
Since last October, Delphi, the world’s second-largest auto parts manufacturer, has filed for bankruptcy and laid plans to dramatically downsize its U.S. operations.
Read MoreThe Driving Force for the Ultimate Finish
The Automotive Industry knows the benefits of powder coating and is pushing for an all powder topcoat system. PPG Industries successfully combined a powder basecoat with a powder clearcoat—replacing liquid sprayable coatings to reduce emissions, paint material waste and operating costs. Here's how they did it...
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