

KIRCHNER: Must-See TV: “Finishing: Impossible”

Columnist Matt Kirchner tells us what reality TV can teach us about transforming your finishing shop.

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Like the Farmer, God Created the Finisher, Too

A recent Super Bowl commercial reminded us of Paul Harvey’s adage that on the eighth day, God created the farmer. But the ninth day was productive as well.

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Ensuring Your Next Kaizen Event is a Colossal Failure

Finishers all over the United States are using Kaizen events to improve efficiency and better respond to the voice of the customer. Though some are achieving their goals, many —­ if not most — are failing.

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A Look at Early Advertising in the Surface Finishing Industry

This article contains a collection of the advertisements published in the July, 1930 issue of Metal Cleaning and Finishing. They capture an instant in time, when the surface finishing industry was quite different from what we find today.

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MATT KIRCHNER: Make it a Happy New Year

Plan around what you can expect from each month of the year.

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Parts Cleaning

Mechanical Vapor Recompression Evaporation

MVRE is underutilized in the treatment of industrial wastewaters that are typical of metal fabricating and finishing industries. Increasing energy costs, rapidly decreasing freshwater resources, and growing sensitivity towards the environmental impact of industrial management practices are the driving forces in the development of more sustainable technology.

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E-Coat Training

Where can I obtain training for electrocoat operators and process engineers?

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To PO or Not to PO . . . that is the Question

They may be a hassle, but purchase orders save countless mistakes and unnecessary costs.

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Back from the Brink of Finishing Death

Alpha Metal Finishing is celebrating its 36th anniversary and, after battling the ups and downs of sales, coupled with tumultuous management practices and the untimely illness of company founder Bob Wood that almost forced the its extinction, the company is recording unprecedented growth.

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Quarterbacks, Power Forwards, Olympians and Benchmarking

What if there was a way to determine how we are performing financially compared with companies similar to our own? What if we could compare our results with theirs on an even playing field? What if we could determine where others are outperforming us and then take steps to improve in those areas?

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Metal Pretreatment Technology
BASF Chemetall Surface Treatment Expect More
New Acid-Free Bright Nickel Process
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