
Liquid Coating

UV Coating Heat Sensitive Substrates Can Expand Your Business

Today’s smart business owners are looking for ways to grow their businesses, or at least move into more lucrative markets that will provide better returns. The ability to coat heat-sensitive substrates can provide this opportunity. Ultraviolet (UV) coatings are often used on heat sensitive substrates because UV curing is an inherently low temperature process. Here’s a look at how UV coatings on heat sensitive substrates can be used to improve your business...

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A Coatings Campus

Products Finishing magazine was recently invited to spend a day inside PPG's Application and Process Development Lab in Flint, Michigan. Anticipating little more than a showcase of PPG's products, we found that the facility serves as an educational tool for finishers and a risk-management resource...

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ISO 14000: Environmental Management

What is it? What is required? Other companys' experiences...

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Plating Business

Question: I do not know very much about plating but would like to set up and operate a plating shop.

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Managing Chemical Costs

With effective chemical management, Torcad cut chemical, labor and waste disposal costs, as well as reject rates…

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Expanding Your Powder Coating Business

Question: I would like to make this suggestion for your correspondent who is looking for a way to expand his powder coating business.

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Better Bath Management with Meter Controls

All electroplating, anodizing and electrocoating baths require maintenance. One of the most frequent needs is replenishing depleted materials. There are several techniques to accomplish that…  

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On My Mind: Strategic Management

Recently, I had the chance to sit in on a strategic management session for one of PF's sister magazines.

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Perspectives: Why Do Customers Take Their Business Elsewhere?

Companies in the United States lose nearly half of their customers every five years according to Paul R.

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Perspectives: Practical Explanations

Anoplate Corporation is a plating job shop that publishes a quarterly newsletter covering not only activities at the company, but also explaining to its employees and customers the intricacies of the finishing processes it provides and why management does the things it does.

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