optimal water management solutions

Visible Nickel

Will areas that are not plated with decorative chrome corrode more rapidly than the areas that are coated?


Q. We recently received a batch of parts that are plated with decorative chrome. A number of the parts have areas that have not been plated with chrome (skips), and in these areas the bright nickel undercoat is exposed. Will the areas that are not plated with decorative chrome corrode more rapidly than the areas that are coated?  N.G.

A. Your question doesn’t have a simple yes or no answer. Depending on the thickness and type of the nickel undercoat, you may or may not have conditions for more rapid corrosion. More important is why you do not have a continuous, consistent coating of chrome on the nickel. I would suggest that you go to your plating vendor and discuss this issue. Decorative chrome requires a consistent, evenly applied layer of chrome. Keep in mind that decorative finishes should be attractive, without blemishes. 

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