Arthur S. Kushner

Arthur S. Kushner Consultant

Copper Plating In 100 Words Or Less

Question: Please tell me the best methods of copper plating including details like volts, chemicals, time, current density and the proper operating conditions.

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Leaded Brass One More Time

Question: Our plating shop plates many parts made of brass.

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Plating Rack Design

Question: Where can I go to get information on designing racks for electroplating processes?

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Plating Bath Analysis

Question: Where can I find information on plating bath analysis?

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Decorative Gold Substitute

Question: Can you recommend a non-gold containing alloy that can be plated as a gold substitute?

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EN On Cobalt Tungsten-Carbide

Question: Can you deposit electroless nickel on a 5-10% cobalt tungsten carbide part?

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Waste Treatment Questions

Question: We have expanded our waste treatment facility and must train a number of individuals in the proper operation of the facility.

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Questions and Answers about the Basics of White Bronze

Question: At what thickness is white bronze non-porous?

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Electroless Nickel Problems

Question: We have greatly expanded our electroless nickel plating (EN) in the last two years.

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Plating Business

Question: I do not know very much about plating but would like to set up and operate a plating shop.

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Bronze Plating

Question: What is bronze, and how does one bronze plate?

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Electroless Nickel On Aluminum

Question: We want to plate zincated aluminum with electroless nickel.

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