

A Coatings Campus

Products Finishing magazine was recently invited to spend a day inside PPG's Application and Process Development Lab in Flint, Michigan. Anticipating little more than a showcase of PPG's products, we found that the facility serves as an educational tool for finishers and a risk-management resource...

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Bacteria Contaminated Systems

Question: How do we control the slime build up in the vicinity of anode cells?

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Liquid Coating

Electrocoat Addition

Question: We currently have a five-stage zinc phosphate washer and are powder coating various metal parts for original equipment manufacturers.

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Special Coating System Keeps John Deere’s Gator® Utility Vehicles Looking Good Under the Toughest Conditions

Best known for their use on farms and golf courses, John Deere’s Gator® off-road utility vehicles, which can travel up to 18 miles per hour, were enlisted for more patriotic duties following the attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

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Alkaline Drips

Question: We are an electrocoater in Canada and have defects that we cannot seem to find a solution for.

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Non-Lead Electrocoat

Question: We have received complaints from our customers about “scuffing and scratching” on bulk packed parts.

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Liquid Coating

Don’t Paint Air Conditioner Coils

Question: I just finished reading your answer to B.L. in December’s issue of Products Finishing.

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Loss Of Permeate Flux Rate

Question: We are experiencing loss of permeate flux rate.

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Parts Cleaning

Cleaning Electrocoat Racks And Hooks

Question: What is the best method of cleaning electrocoat racks and hooks?

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E-Coat: Quantity or Quality

All finishers want a high-quality line with high throughput. But a company's decisions will typically favor one or the other. Quaker Mfg. Inc. chose quality over quantity...

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Pretreatment Washer and Finishing Equipment
Non-Cyanide Silver Plating, AMS 2411J