White Patches
What is a good remedy for white patches in an alkaline non-cyanide zinc plating bath?
Read MoreNASF Bright Design Challenge Kicks Off Jan. 16
Kick off in Detroit is scheduled for January 16. The event is timed perfectly for the Detroit Auto Show, and the NASF Board will also be meeting in town to fully support the event.
Read MorePlating Bath Additives
Where can I learn more about additives to plating baths? I want to formulate some of my own and avoid the high prices charged by plating chemical vendors.
Read MoreCost of Plating
We have been barrel plating flat parts, but the parts do not meet the customer’s corrosion requirements, and we now have to resort to rack plating. Can you provide a brief explanation for the significant difference in cost?
Read MoreImmersion Vs. Autocatalytic Gold Plating
What is the difference between immersion and electroless (autocatalytic) gold? Are the two processes interchangeable?
Read MorenCoP Takes the Hex Out of Chrome Plating
Electrodeposited nanocrystalline cobalt-phosphorus (nCoP) has emerged as a viable environmental alternative to hard chromium coatings for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) applications. The coatings’ material properties revealed that nCoP has high hardness, enhanced ductility, lower wear rates, superior corrosion resistance and no issues with hydrogen embrittlement after baking.
Read MoreNASF REPORT: NASF Collaborates with Canadian Finishers
The CASF “Forum” conference in Toronto provided an informative overview of compliance issues and emerging regulatory issues. Also: NASF coordinating with Nickel Institute on nickel salts, metals data.
Read MoreBright Nickel Problems
My bright nickel plating bath is giving me a lot of grief. Our problem is the lack of uniform brightness on the part. The side of the part directly facing the anode is bright in some cases but not others. If I attempt to plate multiple parts in the plating bath I get different shades of brightness on each of the parts. I performed a carbon treatment on the bath with no improvement in the results. Do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this problem?
Read MoreNASF Sues EPA Over Hex Chromium Rules
Sierra Club also sues the EPA over the same National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants rules for plating industry; NASF's two court actions include a petition for judicial review of the ruling in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, and a request for reconsideration of the rule with EPA.
Read MoreHistory of Chromium Plating
A review article originally printed as Plating & Surface Finishing, 71 (6), 84-91 (1984) on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the American Electroplaters Society.
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