Information sources
Question: Where can I find the type of information that you use to answer the questions that appear in the Plating Clinic?
Read MoreOscar Unveiled
Every year, dozens of Oscar statuettes are awarded to the men and women of film in recognition of their contributions to cinema. But at Chicago-based R.S. Owens & Company—the company that manufactures the prestigious award—the employees are the real stars of the show...
Read MoreStripping Silver from Brass
Question: Can you suggest a procedure for stripping silver plate from a brass substrate?
Read MoreCrystals in Nickel Tank
Question: We just pumped out our nickel tank for it’s six-month cleaning and have found a couple of inches of crystalline material in the bottom of the tank.
Read MoreDeposition of Niobium
Question: I am interested in coating the inside of a waveguide with a thin layer of niobium (columbium) for cryogenic microwave experiments. We think that electroplating may be the best way. Can this element be deposited from a plating solution?
Read MoreTin Whiskers Again
Question: Our plating shop does bright tin plating for electrical connectors.
Read MoreThe Zincate Process
Question: What is the difference between the “homebrew” zincate process and the commercially available zincate processes?
Read MoreHow to Clean and Preserve Copper Plating
Question: We have a little problem with copper plating on torlon plastic parts.
Read MoreThe Burn that STILL Burns, Part 3
In November 1978, Products Finishing magazine published “The Burn That Burns,”1 which examined true burn and false burn from bright nickel and chromium systems, as well as some of the remedies. Twenty-six years later, plating practitioners continue to be challenged and frustrated by this aspect of the process, prompting this updated and expanded review. Here, in part two of this three-part series, our authors analyze three of the four major sources of false burn…
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