
Calculating Corrosion

Advancement in the control and prediction of CASS test performance...

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“Whitewash” Again

Question: I have a small chrome plating shop.  I have problems when plating larger parts, such as bumpers.

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Cyanide Copper Strike Problem

Question: We use a cyanide copper strike with stainless steel anodes.

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Jewelry and Nickel Content

Question: Is there a simple test or procedure to determine if a piece of jewelry contains nickel?

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Zinc Alloy Plating Affecting Wastewater Treatment Sludge

Due to their desire to reduce chromium content of their parts, a number of our customers are asking us to investigate zinc alloy plating of their parts.

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Gritty Tin Plate

Question: What causes bright acid tin to become “gritty” after soldering?

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A Primer on Filtration

Question: I need some basic information on filtration as it applies to plating baths.

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Chloride Concentration in Watts Nickel

Question: For reasons too lengthy to discuss in this question, one of our Watts nickel plating baths has a very high chloride ion concentration.

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Rhodium Plate and Blisters

Question: Our shop does rhodium plating and recently we have run into a problem when plating rhodium over small flat washer-like copper disks.

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Stripping of Plated Deposits

Question: Where can I find information about stripping electroplated deposits from different base materials?

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Hitachi High-Tech FT200 series
In-Place Repairs for Canning Presses
optimal water management solutions
Luster-On Products
Metal Pretreatment Technology
Gardner Intelligence
Pretreatment Washer and Finishing Equipment
Products Finishing Top Shops Benchmarking Survey
optimal water management solutions