Liquid Coating
NAI Coating Show 2011
NACE International and the Powder Coating Institute host the 2011 NAICS in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 4 - 6. The event promises top-of-the-line programming and an exciting show floor.
Read MoreBeam from Sept 11 gets Products Finishing's help
Sculptor asks PF’s help in finishing 9/11 memorials
Read MoreProtective Coatings Properties are Topic of Proposed New ASTM Standard
Dry fall coatings are manufactured and sold by a number of coating manufacturers and their inherent dry fall properties are critical in avoiding damage to property adjacent to and below spraying operations, yet there is no known standardized procedure to evaluate whether these coatings possess dry fall properties on surfaces of varying temperature.
Read MoreYou’re Fired
So think back to your first day on the job. Remember the healthy mix of enthusiasm, eagerness and anxiety wrapping around you. You likely had a list—mental or written—of how you could do it better than your predecessor.
Read MorePinholes in Paint Film
What is the cause of pinholes in our solvent-based paints, and what steps can we take to eliminate this problem?
Read MorePhosphate Bleed Through
All of a sudden we began having problems with the appearance of our coated products. The irregularities in the phosphate coating are telegraphing or bleeding through the paint when the high-solids coating is applied.
Read MoreLow-VOC Paints
We are presently using an air-drying enamel applied over iron-phosphated, cold-rolled steel. Because of increasing energy costs, we are looking at ways to reduce its usage.
Read MoreWorld Trade Center I-Beam Preservation
I have been asked to make an honorable artistic memorial for exhibition on the 10th anniversary of the tragedy. For the memorial, a section of the I-beam will be publicly displayed inside an airport, and it may be an open display able to be touched by the public.
Read MoreInvestigation of Tin Whisker Formation
Immersion tin and lead-free hot air solder leveling (HASL) coatings based on SnCu or SnAgCu alloys are widely used as surface finish materials for printed circuit boards (PCB). These coatings prevent the underlying copper from corrosion and preserve its solderability during lead-free assembly processes and for a long storage life of PCBs.
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