Liquid Coating
Painting Aluminum Panels
We paint embossed aluminum skinned panels filled with foam insulation. Water-based degreasers, we have found in the past, do not dry fast enough to finish properly. Can you give me any insight as to what we are doing wrong or what other products we could use to get better bonding of our finish coat?
Read MoreCoating Interior Surfaces
We have a requirement to apply a liquid dry lubricant product to the inside of an aluminum gun part that is one-inch ID. Our problem is to find a spray tip or system that will work in this confining space and not result in a course finish. We have the mechanism to advance an extension into the part, but can’t find a tip that will perform.
Read MoreIron Phosphate High Temperature Performance
My company paints carbon steel parts with a baking enamel. After painting, these parts are cured in an oven at 300°F for 15–30 minutes. My question is will curing the parts at 300°F adversely affect the iron phosphate coating?
Read MoreClear Coats for Bronze
I own a foundry. We cast bronze statuary. I need to coat the bowls to protect the finish. The standard finishes for bronze won’t hold up. Can you recommend a clear coating that will not peel nor turn white in less than a year?
Read MoreSolvent Wiping
Our company’s finishing specs call for the use of toluene for solvent wiping before painting. The surfaces are typically mild steel, to be painted later. What other solvents serve as good cleaners? Chlorinated solvents for any purpose are highly regulated in our state and are out of the question.
Read MoreRepainting Aluminum Siding
Sometimes, we are asked to supply more pieces of siding in a particular color than we have in our warehouse. We would like to paint white siding in the appropriate color to fill the order. We have a custom coater nearby who will do the painting. What can we tell him?
Read MoreCoating Thickness Measurement: The Fundamentals
A review of available test methods, common applications and innovative instrumentation...
Read MoreInconsistent Gloss Readings
I run a custom coating shop. Some days the gloss is too high, some days it is too low. The paint is from the same kit but reacts differently from day to day. Where do you suggest I look for answers to my problem?
Read MorePainting ABS and Other Plastics
I want to paint ABS parts. What types of paint will adhere to the surface? Do I need a primer? Do I need to sand the surface before solvent wiping?
Read MoreIn-Mold Paint
Do you know of any kind of in-mold paint that is compatible with polyurethane?
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