

Contamination in Nickel Tank

We are doing nickel electroforming on copper molds. Before plating, we etch the copper molds using phosphoric acid. We have discovered that we have phosphorus contamination in our nickel plating solution. Is there a way to remove this contamination?

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NJ's Quantum Coating helps NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

Helps agency reach milestone by coating mirrors with microscopically thin layer of gold

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Plating: Trivalent Chromium Reduction

Reader has question on trying to reduce the trivalent chrome in a hexavalent chrome tank.

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KIRCHNER: 'And you can quote me on that!'

Eight memorable quotes to run your business by.

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Tighter Tolerances

We have a number of jobs that require making steel parts with very tight tolerances on the fit. We are thinking that zinc plating/chemical conversion coating might not be the best solution for us. Are there other materials out there that might give us more consistency on our tolerances and thickness?

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Study Says Metal Orthopedic Implants Unlikely to Trigger Allergy

Despite concerns about cobalt and chromium coating debris on metal hip replacements, noted dermatologist says there is little risk that patients will have a skin reaction or joint pain from the devices.

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PLATING: Info on magnetized steel and plating adhesion

I am having problems with parts that are magnetic. Can you give me any information concerning magnetized steel and the effect on plating adhesion?

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Stacking Up Against Tight Medical Tolerances

The benefits of using dry lubricant coatings in medical mechanical assemblies

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Shop Management Software Avoids Mistakes

AutoPlan takes guesswork out of order entry.

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Training Programs

Where can I get some information about training programs for electroplaters?

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Rectifiers for the Plating Industry
In-Place Repairs for Canning Presses
Luster-On Products
Hitachi High-Tech FT200 series
KCH Engineered Systems
TriMac BLUE™
Parts Cleaning Conference
Metal Pretreatment Technology
KCH Engineered Systems