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Showing 181 – 190 of 206 results
Article Published on 5/1/2003
Coating Technology For Advanced Applications

Not to be confused with conventional plating, these coatings are engineered for superior protection…

Experts Published on 11/1/2006
Reactive Waste or Not

It is very, very difficult for us to accept that this waste is “reactive.” Do you have any advice?

Article Published on 7/1/2003
Putting Coatings to the Test

A comparison of two effective approaches to accelerated weathering and light stability testing...

Article Published on 5/1/2000
Hard Chrome Plating on Plastics Tooling: Now More Than Ever

For years it was only used to salvage tools, now it can be used for more…

Article Published on 4/1/2003
Quality Finishing: In-Depth Finishing Line Audits Can Improve the Bottom Line

Increasing competition in today’s global marketplace dictates that manufacturers constantly evaluate their overall finishing operations to assure that they are running as efficiently as possible.

Whitepaper Published on 5/17/2015
Some Engineering Aspects of Electrodeposition - The 6th William Blum Lecture

This paper is a re-publication of the 6th William Blum Lecture, presented at the 51st AES Annual Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 15, 1964.

Article Published on 6/1/2007
System Synergy

Robot, programming, hardware and materials developments boost automotive finishing

Whitepaper Published on 9/16/2015
The Adhesion of Electrodeposits to Plastics

The 1966 Carl E. Huessner Gold Medal Award was given to Dr. Edward Saubestre and co-workers for Best Paper appearing in Plating in 1965, and their paper is republished here in a series on the AES/AESF/NASF Best Paper Awards. This paper is a comprehensive treatise on the Jacquet peel test, a primary test method for determining adhesion on plated plastics.

Article Published on 3/1/2002
Industrial Assessments for Pollution Prevention and Energy Efficiency

Is it going to cost your company money to become more environmentally friendly and energy efficient? Some think it will. This executive summary and the associated report show that pollution prevention and energy efficient operations may actually save you money. A link to the full report is provided…


Article Published on 4/1/2006
Sweeping Up Productivity Gains

Good planning and a switch to powder pay off at Tennant

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