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Showing 221 – 230 of 383 results
Experts Published on 11/1/2005
Wastewater Discharge Non-Compliance

Question: We operate a metal fabrication shop with our own five-stage iron phosphate washer.

Article Published on 5/19/2021
Qualitative Approach to Pulse Plating

In 1986, the AESF published Theory and Practice of Pulse Plating, edited by Jean Claude Puippe and Frank Leaman, the world’s first textbook on pulse plating.  A compendium of chapters written by experts in this then-emerging field, the book quickly became the authoritative text in pulse plating.  What follows here is the opening chapter, serving as an introduction to the field.  Although the field has grown immensely in the intervening 35 years, the reader will find that the material remains a valuable introduction to those looking to advance the field of pulse plating.

Experts Published on 4/1/2003
Painting Stainless Steel

Question: I believe that a correctly passivated stainless steel must be exposed to air to enhance and continually reinforce the passivated microscopic layer present on the surface.

Article Published on 10/17/2019
Electrocodeposition of MCrAlY Coatings for Advanced Gas Turbine Applications - 7th Quarterly Research Report

This NASF-AESF Foundation research project report covers the seventh quarter of project work (July-September 2019) on the AESF Foundation Research project at the Tennessee Technological University. The objective of the work is to study and optimize the MCrAlY electro-codeposition process to improve the coating oxidation/corrosion performance.  In this quarter, the effect of the particle size of gas-atomized CrAlY powders on electro-codeposited Ni-CrAlY composite coatings was studied.

Article Published on 10/1/2011
Flying High with BSAA: Environmentally friendly alternative to chromic acid anodize

BSAA oxide coating exhibits many of the same properties as the aluminum oxide coating that is derived from the chromic acid process.

Experts Published on 6/1/2005
Tackling Hazardous Waste Violations

Here's a look at some of the most common hazardous waste violations in electroplating facilities, and what can be done to prevent or correct them...

Experts Published on 7/1/2005
Testing for TCLP Metals Revisited

Question: Steve, I've been a dedicated reader of your column in PF for many years.

Experts Published on 4/1/2005
Plating in the Garage

Question: I am a hobbyist and want to refinish some parts with silver, gold and nickel.

Experts Published on 3/1/2005
Options for Removing Electrocoat

Question: Is burn-off the only way that rejected parts can be salvaged?

Article Published on 9/1/2006
Make Your Own Hooks and Racks

Wire bending machine may make it not only possible, but profitable

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