

Open Your Eyes to the Bad News Wake-Up Call

Hotel room alarms are not the only kinds of wake-up calls.

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Blow Up the Script in Finishing Customer Service

Do you follow the same routine with every customer? That may not be a good thing.

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Liquid Coating

CCAI Training Manuals Available in Spanish

Translations of all five existing manuals are in progress and expected to be complete the first half of 2020.

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Coventya Announces Organizational Changes

Mike Kelly named president as company is adopting a regional-type management structure.

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Liquid Coating

Minding Your Own Business

The Products Finishing Top Shops Executive Summit in October 2020 will give you that opportunity.

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Liquid Coating

Internships: Not Just for Coffee Makers and Photocopiers

Organizations that don’t offer internships are missing a huge opportunity to improve.

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Process Technology Garden Designated as Monarch Waystation Habitat

Monarch Waystation gardens are required to be at least 100 square feet, contain milkweed and nectar plants, provide adequate shelter, and follow specific habitat management guidelines.

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A Conversation With Brad Durkin, Coventya

Brad Durkin is director of international product management for Coventya, and the chairperson of the SUR/FIN Technical Advisory Committee that puts together the conference sessions each summer.

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Understanding Compliance Inspection using the 6Ps Model

Staff from  the City of Los Angeles Sanitation Department’s Bureau of Sanitation’s Industrial Waste Management Division, explain how metal finishers can utilize the 6Ps Model.

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Powder Coating

25 Lessons in 25 Years

In my own little way of commemorating 25 years in executive leadership, I offer the 25 most valuable lessons I’ve learned in 25 years.

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